Film in the Desert

We are happy to announce that ZUMEFF will take part in this year’s Al Marmoom: Film in the Desert. During this year’s festival a range of winning films from ZUMEFF 2022 will be shown.

Al Marmoom: Film in the Desert is a unique concept in the region that celebrates regional and global creative talents in the filmmaking industry. The festival provides a valuable platform to support this sector locally and regionally, presenting innovative prospects for its patrons to showcase their creativity, refine and develop their talents, and reach professionalism. 

It also aims to enhance Al Marmoom Desert’s position as a unique cultural tourism destination. It is a nature reserve that embraces many cultures and is rich in local heritage and culture.

In addition to film screenings, the festival includes a series of interactive and engaging workshops targeting people of all ages and discussions with experts from across the region. A series of sessions for amateurs will also be offered for them to develop their knowledge of the film industry, in addition to panel discussions with experts and experienced global filmmakers.

The 2022 edition of the festival focuses on the short-film format to reflect traditional Emirati arts, utilising narrative as a source of inspiration for its content and efficacy. This is what the ‘Al Marmoom Short-Film Competition,’ launched by Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, is seeking to portray. The festival will celebrate the first three winning films in the competition.

Al Marmoom: Film in the Desert takes place from December 9th – 11th and goes from 4pm – 12am each day.

For more information on this year’s Al Marmoom: Film in the Desert Festival, visit:

Richard Cawood

Richard is an award winning portrait photographer, creative media professional and educator currently based in Dubai, UAE.

